Everything You Need to Know About Deep Cleaning

Closeup of dentist examining young woman's teeth

Even if your dentist didn’t recommend it, you should still consider getting a deep cleaning for your teeth. It will keep them in good, healthy condition and make every follow up appointment a breeze. If you’re unsure of what that entails exactly, we have some great information for you that will, hopefully, answer all your questions about the procedure.

What Are Some Signs I May Need a Deep Cleaning?

  • Red and/or swollen gums
  • Sensitive or bleeding gums and teeth
  • Persistent bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Pain when chewing

Why Do I Need a Deep Cleaning?

First, you should ask yourself, what is involved in a deep cleaning? It’s essentially a treatment that cleans between the gums and down to the root on your teeth. When you go in for your appointments, your dentist will be able to tell you if you’re at risk for periodontal disease, and if yes, then you will be a good candidate for deep cleaning.

What Are Some of the Techniques?

Scaling – This tool is what dentists will use to reach all the plaque from above and below your gum line. They make sure that the area is cleaned all the way down to the bottom of the pocket for complete coverage. Once that is done, they will move on to root planing.

Root Planing – This process consists of smoothing the root of the tooth and helping the gums to reattach to the tooth. This goes hand in hand with scaling, and in conjunction will take place over several visits to complete entirely.

Why Can’t I Just Get a Regular Cleaning?

The rule of thumb from dentists across the board is to brush and floss twice a day habitually. Daily cleaning will help keep the plaque and buildup at a minimum every day. If the plaque near the base of the tooth isn’t cleaned properly with daily cleaning, the hygienist will take care of it with a regular cleaning.

What to Do Afterwards

After the procedure is over, you may experience pain for a couple days up to one week. Aside from that, you may also feel swelling in your gums, and possible bleeding. To avoid infection in the area, your dentist will prescribe something for you; either a pill or some mouth rinse to clean the surrounding area. We’ll send home any further information you may need to know following the procedure. However, if there is anything else you need, please contact us!